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Wesnoth Units database

Wesfolk Lady


Born in the Wesfolk aristocracy, she and her people were excluded from society by their lords, who betrayed their loyalty when a war against Haldric’s people was being lost. This outcast still conserves her nobleness in her veins and in the battlefield she has earned valuable experience, which continues increasing with time, as does her natural leadership.

Īpašas piezīmes:This unit is capable of distracting opponents, allowing allied units to trespass their Zones of Control and move unhindered around them. Šīs vienības vadības spējas ļauj blakus esošajām tās pašas puses vienībām nodarīt lielākus bojājumus kaujā, bet tas attiecas tikai uz zemāku līmeņu vienībām.


Attīstās no: Wesfolk Outcast
Attīstās uz: Wesfolk Leader
Izmaksas: 36
Veselība: 46
Pārvietošanās: 7
Pieredze: 80
Level: 2
Īpašība: haotisks/-a
IDWesfolk Lady
Spējas: vada, distract

Uzbrukumi (damage - count)

8 - 2
6 - 3


(icon) griež-30% (icon) caurdur-20%
(icon) sit-20% (icon) dedzina0%
(icon) saldē0% (icon) mistisks20%


Pārvietošanās izmaksas
(icon) Ala250%
(icon) Ciems170%
(icon) Dzelme-0%
(icon) Kalni370%
(icon) Līdzenums160%
(icon) Mežs270%
(icon) Necaurejams-0%
(icon) Pauguri270%
(icon) Piekrastes rifs250%
(icon) Pils170%
(icon) Purvs240%
(icon) Sasalis240%
(icon) Seklums240%
(icon) Smiltis240%
(icon) Sēņu birzs270%